Orders will be shipped out the same day if ordered by 12PM ET (M-F, excluding holidays) and typically take 2-5 days (M-F) to reach you. Estimated delivery times do not apply to international orders, which vary by country.
Once your order ships, you will receive an email notification with tracking information. International customers are responsible for any additional fees or taxes after an item ships. We do our best to protect international customers from incurring additional fees, but cannot guarantee against any unexpected expenses.
The risk of loss and title for items purchased by you passes to you upon our delivery of the items to the carrier. Replacement of products and credits to your account for shipped items claimed as not received are subject to our investigation, and we may require you to sign and return an affidavit before looking into your claim. We will replace products and credit your account at our discretion.
For sneakers, you may cancel your order within 3 hours of placing it or before it is confirmed. If 3 hours have passed, then the order cannot be canceled.
All sales are final. Once an item sells, either online or in our store, the owner receives payment for their merchandise. Because of this, we are unable to process returns or exchanges.
If you have any questions with regard to sizing or condition of a specific product on our site, please contact us before committing to purchase.
Refunds are only processed based on fulfillment errors, such as incorrectly shipped or missing items or not as described.